Writing from the heart and singing from the soul, surveying the people and land around you and letting stories inspire your creativity and guide your craft. That’s what makes a songwriter genuine and honest and 21-time Golden Guitar winner Sara Storer has consistently shown she personifies those qualities. In fact, she’s done that right from the start, nearly 20 years ago when she released her first album Chasing Buffalo. Now she has a brand-new collection of songs that comprise her 2019 album Raindance, another fascinating musical chapter in the life of Australian songwriter Sara Storer.

Born in the Mallee in country Victoria, Sara has studied in Melbourne, wrote her first song in Western Queensland, worked as a teacher in the Northern Territory and now lives on a rural property outside of Albury, NSW with her husband Dave and their four sons. The land, family and an innate and empathetic understanding of what it is to live in Australia are themes that run strongly through the songs on Raindance, the title track in particular continuing a tradition of songs about rain that feature on many of her albums.